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Embroidered in the name of Les Douceurs de Mathilde.
Dimension : 50 cm x 100 cm

Organic mint and organic honey for your pleasure !
organic range
75 ml tube

apricot and cornflower organic anti-âge face cream
organic range

tooth paste, body and face cream, towel with 100 % organic coton..
contact us for more information
We can provide the creams with your own brand and log in orders over 2.000 units.
For more information please contact us to our mail caracoleslafloresta @ gmail.com
We can provide the creams with your own brand and log in orders over 2.000 units.
For more information please contact us to our mail caracoleslafloresta @ gmail.com
We can provide the creams with your own brand and log in orders over 2.000 units.
For more information please contact us to our mail caracoleslafloresta @ gmail.com
it smooth and velvety.
It revitalizes, regenerates, smoothes and clarifies evenly the skin,
increasing the cell renewal, , reducing lines of expression and
wrinkles. It contributes comfort and nutrition to the skin
We can provide the creams with your own brand and log in orders over 2.000 units.
For more information please contact us to our mail caracoleslafloresta @ gmail.com
We can provide the creams with your own brand and log in orders over 2.000 units.
For more information please contact us to our mail caracoleslafloresta @ gmail.com

An innovative patented top note essential oil by supercritical CO2 extraction. Natural and pleasant aroma similar to the fresh jasmine flowers. Much more original sensitive constituents than solvent-extraction oil. No organic solvent and pesticide residue. 100% purely natural.

Todas las propiedades curativas del Aloe Vera Deshidratada 100 % puro y orgánico, Se encuentran en cada capsula de este producto
El Aloe Vera en su estado natural contiene Aminoácidos, Vitaminas, Minerales, Antioxidantes, Esteroles, los cuales te ayudan a mejorar tu salud.

Acondiciona y Protege tu piel; Este Gel contiene una alta concentración de extracto de Aloe Vera Totaloe Process y Vitaminas A y E; Limpia, Refresca, Hidrata y Nutre la Piel, Es especialmente formulado para ayudar a contrarrestar problemas leves en la piel como rozaduras, raspones o quemaduras provocadas por el sol y el fuego entre muchisímas otras.